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Sickness funds are likely to be established in Kiev

July 6, 2010. According to the newspaper ?Segodnya? the Deputy Head of Kiev council?s Committee on Health and Social Protection, Alexander Pabat stated that sickness funds will soon begin to work in Kiev. A draft decision is going to be submitted to the session of the city council on July 15. And within a month, they [sickness funds] should start to collect contributions,”- said Pabat. The deputy mayor noted, that the first step is to establish a sickness fund for retirees and poor, but everyone can join the sickness fund. According to the First Deputy Mayor, Alexander Popov, it is most likely that the monthly contribution for pensioners will amount 30 UAH per month. Only one month after the first payment and due to physician?s prescription, the sickness fund?s member is entitled to receive free of charge pharmaceuticals in case of illness and treatment in a municipal hospital. Conditions so far are being developed. Also the issue of the location of the sickness fund?s premises needs to be decided. It is expected that there will be one main office and probably a few district branches.

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