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Sickness fund of Poltava region


Sickness fund of Poltava region

Executive director: Vitaliy Vladyslavovych Shevchenko

Amount of members:  30255   Date of foundation: 8.5.2003

Contact data: 36021 City of Poltava, Vul. Salisna 17  Phone: 0532 63-74-56 E-mail: vitalikkasa@mail.ru , http://www.poltavalk.com.ua

“One for all – all for one” – this is our mission. That is our goal. Sickness fund of Poltava region!

We are the charitable organisation “sickness fund of Poltava region”. We operate on the principle of equality and voluntariness in terms for our mutual aid scheme for the members of our organization. The state guarantees the access to health care to citizens and emphases its expenditures. However, this state budget spending is in a transition period towards market principles and liberalisation of prices not enough. Since the independence of Ukraine, the state failed to provide the legal framework for health care reform, therefore the people were forced to take over the initiative to protect their health. Today it became rather difficult for patients to purchase medicines for their treatment at their own expenses. Our sickness fund helps its members to solve this issue. The access to this kind of treatment is not free of charge for sickness fund’s members. The sickness fund finances itself through membership fees and in its turn, it provides treatment to its members ensured by the principle of solidarity. Healthy people support those, who are weaker, but through their membership in the sickness fund, they obtain the guarantee to receive help in case when they themselves suddenly become ill.

У реабілітації поранених воїнів допомагають німецькі партнери

Днями в обласній клінічній лікарні імені М. Скліфосовського розвантажили ще один великий автофургон із благодійною допомогою з Німеччини. Він надійшов у межах співпраці провідного медичного закладу регіону з клінікою Altmuhlseeklinik Hensoltshone — одним із найбільших реабілітаційних центрів Німеччини. Цей проєкт має назву «Партнерство між лікарнями — партнери зміцнюють здоров’я» і втілюється за підтримки БО «Лікарняна […]

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