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Sickness Fund “Azovstal”


Sickness fund “Azovstal”

Managing director: Artyukh Natalia Mykhajlivna

Amount of members:  20224 (plus family members) Date of foundation: 15.05.2002

Contact data: 87505 Donezk Oblast, City of Mariupol, Peremogy Square 1, Phone: 0-629-40-147-43,  E-mail: artyuhnm@mail.ru


Our mission: We take care for your health!
The membership based charitable organisation “Sickness fund Azovstal” was founded on May 15, 2002,  initiated by the trade unions of metallurgists and miners of Ukraine at the public limited company Metallurgical Combine “Azovstal”.
The main management bodies of the “Sickness fund Azovstal” is the general assembly, that meets once per year. The reporting period is usually considered as the time between the general assemblies in which the implementation of a complex target program was agreed. At the conference, the members of the “Sickness fund Azovstal” elect the Supervisory Board and the General Board, which take care of the supervision of the administrative and executive department during the reporting period. The members of the Supervisory Board and the General Board – are usually representatives from the trade union’s miner committees which are based at the plant.

The execution of the statutory activity is based on the implementation of the comprehensive medical target programme.
In order to carry out the task of implementing the comprehensive medical target programme, there were signed contractual agreements with 15 medical institutions of different kinds of ownership, such as 7 providers of pharmaceuticals, 7 diagnostic and treatment centres in Mariupol, different pharmacies, hospitals and medical institutes in the cities of Donetsk, Kharkov, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, and Kiev.
At 01.10.2009 the amount of members of the “sickness fund “Azovstal” contained  20224 plant workers and their family members . The monthly membership fee is 24 UAH.

The comprehensive medical target programme includes medical, diagnostic and pharmaceutical care to the members of the “sickness fund Asovstal” whenever they is a medical need for treatment in hospitals including fulltime and day care up to the amount of 3000 UAH. Concerning the treatment of cancer, cardiac valves surgery the programme covers expenditures up to 6000 UAH. The costs for the treatment of heart attack, stroke, necrosis, polytrauma, implantation of endoprosthesis and other kinds of implants are provided as far as 4000 UAH. The expenditures for life saving measures in intensive care wards are being covered without financial limitation. For the outpatient follow-up care including the after-treatment of heart attack, stroke, and other severe operations, pharmaceuticals are being provided up to an amount of 600 UAH.

The concern about the health protection and care of plant workers and their family members is a key area of activity of the trade union’s committee.

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