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Performance of the sickness fund of Zhytomyr region ? annual report of 2009

Basically, patients approach a physician in order to receive medical aid for health recovery. But is it possible, when at this point adequate state financing for pharmaceuticals is absent and costs are constantly increasing? It is not likely to be. But these kinds of problems do not occur to those in our region, who have taken in advance measures to receive necessary health care treatment in case of need by joining the scheme of the charitable organisation ?sickness fund of Zhytomyr region?.

How to protect patients? rights in the present condition of insufficient health care funding, how to ensure population?s access to medical care and how to improve its capacity, efficiency and quality? These issues were the main topics at the annual meeting of the board of the charitable organisation “sickness fund of Zhytomyr region”, which was chaired by the head of the Zhytomyr regional state health care administration Alexander K. Tolstanov and the president of the sickness funds of Zhytomyr region Prof. Valentin D. Pariy, merited physician of Ukraine.

A constructive conversation was carried out in regards to the present work and future plans of the sickness fund, including ways to improve health care delivery to its members. The executive director of the charitable organisation “sickness fund of Zhytomyr region? Volodymyr Myshkivskyy presented the annual report on the activity of 2009 and informed on the implementation of the financial plan for the period of the second half year. Chief accountant Lyudmila Pastushenko introduced the financial plan for the first half year of 2010 and deputy executive director Sergey Grischuk gave an overview on the membership development of the sickness fund.

The sickness fund of Zhytomyr region has 193 271 members, which is 14.9% of the total Oblast population. The highest membership/population ratio has been achieved in the districts of Lugyny (27.4%) and Malyn (22.5%). 20.8% of the city population of Zhytomyr are members of the sickness fund. The districts with the lowest ratio are Novograd Volyn (6.3%), Ruzhyn (8.3%), Emilnyche (8.4%) and Korostyshiv (8.7%).

The sickness fund received 11 204 new members last year. Most of them appeared in the area of the city of Zhytomyr (3631), followed by the cities of Berdichev (1533), Novograd Volyn (601) and Korosten (575). Among them were 77% (8661) which entered the sickness fund scheme as individual members and 23% (2543) who became new members due to collective corporate agreements, which means that the membership fees are being paid by the employer. 47% of the sickness funds new members received medical services during the course of the year of entry. 75% of contributions that those members have paid were spent during this period. 59% of the new members received medical care from the sickness fund after having been 4-6 months in the organisation.

Not all members do appreciate the advantage that derives from the sickness fund?s membership including its entitlement to timely access to necessary pharmaceuticals and medical screening. Some of them seem to believe that its favourable just leave the sickness fund right after having received health recovery: One year after entry, 24% stop paying contributions. 58% of them are members under 30 years, stated the executive director. The membership structure of the sickness fund is dominated by individual members (52% – 81 655), the proportion of those whose contributions are being paid by employers is 29% (46 415 people). Thus 22 105 members (14% of total) have contribution debts that exceed 250 UAH. They are seen as candidates for membership exclusion. Approximately 18% of individual members do not regularly pay their contributions. Since its existence, the charitable organization ?sickness fund of Zhytomyr region? has excluded 51618 members due to lack of contribution payments and 7928 of them in the year 2009.

Under the patronage programme of the sickness fund are nearly 900 orphans, who received free of charge? pharmaceuticals with a value of 20.5 thousand UAH last year. 67 World War II veterans obtained medical treatment with an amount of 15 thousand UAH at the expenses of the sickness fund. The targeted revenues of membership contributions for 2009 of 22.47 Million UAH have been achieved by 22.84 Million UAH of performed revenues including the unearned income of 232,7 thousand UAH (Current degree of target achievement: 101.6%).
While informing the board about the actual spending, Volodymyr Mishkivsky stated that during the financial year of 2009 occurred only 23.546 million UAH of total expenditures, out of which the percentage of expenditures for the main cost centres such as pharmaceuticals and medical services were 82.4%. The surplus between revenues and expenditures is 708.1 thousand UAH, which corresponds to 3.1% of the revenues.

During the financial analysis of internal budgets that are given to each sub unit, V.S. Myshkivskyy drew attention to the fact, that in 2009 the balance between revenue and expenditure was negative in following areas: city of Zhytomyr – 500,226 UAH, Novograd Volyn district – 51,849 UAH., Zhytomyr district – 152,791 UAH, City of Berdychiv – 100,246 UAH, Chernyakhovsky district – 60,247 UAH, Romanivs’kyi district – 44,186 UAH, and Lyubarsky district – 18,109 UAH. In the districts of Chudniv and Korostyshevsky occurred a positive financial result such as in the district of Popelnya that managed to improve its financial position.
The sickness fund is aimed to continuously improve health care delivery not only to those who are members of the organisation, but also for the entire residents of the Oblast. The sickness funds donated medical equipment with a total value of 161 thousand UAH to health care facilities.

The effectiveness the sickness fund scheme and its contribution to health promotion to population and its rising utilisation may be demonstrated by the following figures: In the year of 2009 medical care was provided in 310 551 cases by the sickness fund (17% increase compared to previous year). In total 105 454 persons received health treatment (2008: 101 702). The average cost for treatment was 155.28 UAH (2008 – 113.93 UAH).

It’s pleasant to mention that the sickness fund even supports improving the demographic situation, as it provided pharmaceutical care to 1870 pregnant women (including 673 deliveries by cesarean section) on which an amount of almost 296 thousand UAH was spent. Analysing the structure of medical care provided, the executive director noted that 9% of patients were treated at primary health care level, 71% at secondary and 20% at tertiary health care level.

There has been a gradual increase of members of the sickness fund, who received medical screening (in 2007 131,801 with a value of 811.1 thousand UAH; in 2008 148,270 with a value of 975 thousand UAH; and in 2009 190,910 with a value of 1.480 Million UAH). In 2009 there were spent 335.5 thousand UAH for computer tomography imaging, reported Volodymyr Mishkivsky.

In the frame of the current underfinanced public health care system, the charitable organisation ?sickness fund of Zhytomyr region? is a real mechanism to collect additional financial resources in order to improve the accessibility to health care in the region. The amount of the funding on top of the governmental resources was 36.49 UAH per citizen (2008 – 35.58 UAH).

Those who are members of the sickness fund, can rely on receiving medical coverage at all health care levels, because their treatment is carried out according to local clinical guidelines. The guidelines are approved by the regional State Health Care Administration in its order ? 754 from 30.12.08 “on approval of local clinical guidelines of health care for residents of Zhytomyr region” and by the list of the pharmaceuticals used by the sickness fund.

It has to be mentioned, that members of the sickness fund are likely to have more advantages than other patients, because they do not face financial burden receiving pharmaceutical care, they obtain their medicines on time and only those that meet international quality standards. The selection of effective and safe pharmaceuticals that are chosen to treat the sickness fund?s members is being achieved through cooperation with the State Pharmacological Center at the Ministry of Health Ukraine.

84 percent of the sickness fund?s members received prescribed pharmaceuticals during the very first hours of their medical treatment at a hospital. The members of the sickness fund are entitled to take part in health promotion measures, to get access to modern medical care, including systemic thrombolysis for the treatment of acute coronary syndrome, pulse therapy, the use of prostaglandins for rheumatology treatment and for vascular surgery, the extensive use of low molecular weight heparin, the method of lithotripsy in case of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

As a result of the on time delivery of quality pharmaceuticals to patients, the mortality rate of those who are members of the sickness fund became significantly lower than those of the average population of the region during treatment (4.16% in comparison to 6.59%).

A system of human values in health care is of particular importance whenever patients have lost or worsen their health – the sickness fund provides health recovery to its members up to the required amount, based on the principle of solidarity.

Author: Svitlana Mykhalyuk

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  1. Експерт

    January 20th, 2012 at %I:%M %p

    Шановна Галина Олександрівна!

    Виконавча дирекція БО “Лікарняна каса Житомирської області” розглянула Ваш запит, що надійшов на офіційний веб-сайт МОЗ України. Інформуємо вас про те, що Ваш батько – Вигівський Олексій Маркізович був госпіталізований в неврологічне відділення Коростенської ЦМЛ 11.01.2012 12.54 з діагнозом остеохондроз, деформуючий спондільоз поперекового відділу хребта в стадії затяжного загострення, вторинний корінцевий синдром. В день поступлення зроблено рентген обстеження поперекового відділу хребта та кульшових суглобів. Від комп’ютерної томографії хворий відмовився. Також консультований суміжними спеціалістами. Встановлено діагноз: ІХС. Атеросклеротичний кардіосклероз. Коронаросклероз. AV-блокада I ст. Симптоматична гіпертензія. СН I ст.
    Було призначено лікування: кетолонг 1,0 г 2 раза в день в/м 2 дні, ревмоксікам 1,5 мл в/м №3 з переходом на ревмоксикам 15мг в таблетках, толперіл 1,0 в/м, віт. В1, В6 по 2,0 г через день, нікотинова к-та 1,0 в/м. Зі слів Вашого батька та матері Клеопатри Захарівни ліки та вироби медичного призначення вони за власні кошти не купували.
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    Со слов врача-эксперта ЛК в Коростенской ЦГБ Улиганец Л.Н., Ваш отец лечится по ЛК сегодня десятый день, получает назначенное лечащим врачем лечение за счет ЛК в полном обьеме, отмечает улучшение состояния и не высказывает никаких претензий.
    По поводу компьютерной томографии – жители Коростенского региона имеют возможность пройти это обследование в медицинском центре «Асклепий», который находится на первом этаже городской поликлиники (ул. Грушевского,71). ЛК оплачивает членам ЛК часть стоимости этого обследования в размере 85 грн.
    Еще раз напоминаем, что любую информацию о работе ЛК Вы можете получить у врача- эксперта Коростенской ЦГБ – Улиганец Людмилы Николаевны, тел. (242) 4-21-04 или в экспертном отделе офиса ЛК, тел. (0412) 22-54-02.

У реабілітації поранених воїнів допомагають німецькі партнери

Днями в обласній клінічній лікарні імені М. Скліфосовського розвантажили ще один великий автофургон із благодійною допомогою з Німеччини. Він надійшов у межах співпраці провідного медичного закладу регіону з клінікою Altmuhlseeklinik Hensoltshone — одним із найбільших реабілітаційних центрів Німеччини. Цей проєкт має назву «Партнерство між лікарнями — партнери зміцнюють здоров’я» і втілюється за підтримки БО «Лікарняна […]

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