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Sickness fund takes care for families with many children

Zhytomyr – Yaroslav is now only 2 months. But unfortunately, this little child has a congenital heart defect. This means that he needs surgical treatment. When the little boy grows a bit older, the operation can be carried out at the Ukrainian Specialised Children’s Hospital ?OKHMATDYT?. Of course, this kind of treatment will cost a lot of money.

Yaroslav has 4 brothers – Andriy, Bogdan, David, Benjamin and 5 sisters – Anna, Elena, Natalia, Victoria, and Irina. All of them live with their parents in the village Grishkovtsy located in the district of ?Berdichev. Their dad works as boiler operator, and their mum takes care for the children. Realising that it?s hard to raise ten children and cover their expenses, the charitable organisation “sickness fund of ?Zhytomyr region? has decided to help out the Nagorny family.

Just recently ago, the children?s mother Evangelina Mykoleyevna Nagorna and father Danyl Mykolayevych Nagorny visited the main office of the sickness fund at which the executive director Volodymyr Stanislavovych Myshkivskyy welcomed them as new members of the sickness fund and handed out to the family a membership confirmation booklet.
?We are very grateful that we have received a reliable friend who is willing to support us in these difficult times ? our friend is the sickness fund of Zhytomyr region. When having applyed for membership at the sickness fund, we did not even expect of being accepted, because we live in these kind of times where our social environment is likely to forget about benevolence and mutual aid? – told Mr.? Danyl Nagorny. ?Now, we feel that our children are better off, in case of need for necessary medical care? – added Evangelina.
It?s a good thing, when children grow up and do not get sick. All parents wish to have this condition. But in real life, things occur to be different. Almost all the girls and boys of the Nagorny family caught the cold without complications, except for five-year old Iryna. She had been hospitalised with pneumonia at the central district hospital of ?Berdichev. The father phoned to the office of the sickness fund and thanked for the high quality treatment, which the girl has received, including all necessary pharmaceuticals and diagnostic measures. He also pointed out that his daughter has been taken care of by high dedicated hospital employees such as Natalya Rovkova, the physician in charge and her team of nurses.

?It is pleasant to find out that the sickness fund of Zhytomyr region does not only care for the Nagorny family, but for orphans, pupils from boarding schools and children?s homes, including Hryshkovetska, a specialised boarding school. It is of utmost importance as public funding is limited and therefore I would like to address a separate thanks to the sickness fund? – told N. Rovkova.
Under the patronage programme of the sickness fund are nearly 900 orphans. Now it?s up to take forward this good practice of the sickness fund of Zhytomyr region, in order to contribute to a healthy growing up generation for our country.

Svetlana Romaniuk

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