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01.12.2009 – Workshop of sickness fund physician experts was held in Zhytomyr

The sickness fund of Zhytomyr region is a charitable organisation that provides quality health care services to its members. This was the main topic during the workshop of the sickness fund physician experts, on which also participated the chairman of the sickness fund of Zhytomyr region, Professor Valentin D. Pariy, and B. H. Kaunzinger, international expert within the framework of the technical cooperation programme between Germany and Ukraine “GTZ/CIM”.

According to V. D. Pariy, anybody, who works within a sickness fund needs to pay attention to the quality assurance process of a sickness fund’s service delivery. This is the conclusion from quality assurance monitoring, which is an outcome from the collaboration of the sickness fund with the State Pharmacological Centre of the Ministry of Health Ukraine. Medical standards and clinical protocols based on principles of evidence based medicine have been implemented in the health care delivery process. Now it is utmost importance, to also activate the work of All-Ukrainian citizens’ organization “Association of workers’ sickness funds of Ukraine” and to unite the sickness funds by collecting further proposals for reforming the health care system.

B. H. Kaunzinger introduced to the participants the marketing conception for sickness funds in Ukraine, and answered the questions of the physician experts. V.S. Mishkivskiy, the executive director of the sickness fund of Zhytomyr region, summarised the contributions from the workshop participants and stated that all remarks and proposals will be taken into account in the planning process of next year’s activities. This is necessary to continuously improve the level of service delivery to the clients of the organisation.

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