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Zhytomyr –December 5, 2009

On the occasion of the world AIDS day 2009 V.D. Pariy, chairman of the All-Ukrainian citizens’ organisation «Association of workers’ sickness funds of Ukraine» and Y.Y. Galinskiy, president of the All-Ukrainian citizens’ organisation «Association of services for measures against of HIV/AIDS of Ukraine», met in Zhytomyr to discuss the implementation of joint measures in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Both organizations have signed a memorandum on cooperation in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

The situation of the ongoing spread of HIV/AIDS in Ukraine has reached an alarming scale. Therefore joint efforts are needed, to give an appropriate response to this challenge. UNAIDS has estimated almost half million HIV positive people in Ukraine. According to official data from the Ministry of Health Ukraine, the number of new HIV infections still is still on the increase from year to year.

The association of workers’ sickness funds of Ukraine is going to participate in measures such as primary prevention against HIV/AIDS and public information on the existence of infection risks and possibilities for protection from HIV/AIDS. The association will use different devices for public communication, such as mass media, posters, brochures, flyers, internet etc.

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