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Introduction of a municipal sickness fund in Kiev?

p>June 19, 2010. The First Deputy Head of the Kyiv city state administration Alexander Popov intends to initiate health reforms in the capital. On June 18 he told in the TV broadcast ?Big politics of Evgeniye Kiselyov? on Inter TV channel that initiatives, which are aimed to improve health care in Kiev will be supported by him, and that there will be a lot of them. In particular, the deputy head considers it to be necessary to introduce an institute for family physicians who, in his eyes, will impact the reduction of hospitalised Kiev citizens, who apply to inpatient health care facilities. Popov also pointed out, that he is going to propose initiatives to the Kiev city council for considering the establishment of a municipal sickness fund for the socially disadvantaged citizens from Kiev providing health insurance coverage in case of emergency care. In his opinion, it is moreover necessary to reform health care by implementing health insurance or something that is similar to it.
Details are available at the video clip of the TV broadcast “Great politics of Evgeniy Kiselyov” (in Ukrainian language)

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