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September, 2010

Discussing the performance of sickness funds at a nationwide conference


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Towards health care reform

September 24, 2010. In Poltava was held a nationwide conference on ?status and pathways of reforming the health care system of Ukraine?. A delegation from Baden-Wuertemberg that was accompanied by representatives from regional medical association of Northern Wuerttemberg participated in this event.

The Deputy Minister of Health Ukraine, Viktor Lysak focused in his speech on the current situation of health care. He called the development of rural hospitals networks operating with modern medical equipment and well-qualified personnel as main components of reforming health care. Victor Lysak also stressed the need to establish outpatient general practitioners at local hospitals and FAPs in towns with a population of more than 1000 residents. According to preliminary experts? calculations, the optimisation of health care network in the Poltava region is likely to achieve an economic benefit of approximately 12.4 Million UAH a year.

The chairman of the Association of sickness funds of Ukraine, Prof. Valentin Pariy held a presentation on the role and position of sickness funds in Ukraine in terms of reforming health care. Especially the region of Poltava achieved valuable experience, because it is able to demonstrate the successful example of its sickness that has operated since the year of 2003.

The representatives from regional medical association of Northern Wuerttemberg of the German delegation Klaus Baier, Armin Flohr, and Stefan Roder gave an overview of characteristics and challenges of the health insurance system? in Germany.

During the discussion the participants of the conference have made several constructive suggestions. In particular, they expressed the need that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine shall adopt a law on health insurance and proposed the establishment of a medical association.

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(Українська) ? ??????? ??????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????

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Conference in Poltava

September 9, 2010. We invite interested persons to attend the conference “Situation and pathways of reforming the health system of Ukraine – role and position of sickness funds in this process?, that will take place on September 24, 2010 at the red conference hall of the Oblast council (Vulia Zhovtneva 45) in Poltava.

The conference will be held under the patronage of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, with participation of representatives from medical institutions from Baden?Wuerttemberg, Germany) and authorities of regional state health care departments.

Contact person: Vitaliy Shevchenko, e-mail address: direktor@poltavalk.com.ua

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Preparing the establishment of the “Kyiv city sickness fund”

September 1, 2010. At the premises of the trade union of Kyiv city health care employees took place a meeting between representatives of its presidium, the acting head of the Kyiv city state health care administration Volodymyr Zahorodniy, and the chairman of the Ukrainian citizens’  organisation “Association of workers’ sickness funds of Ukraine”, Valentin D. Pariy. Topics that were discussed in the meeting were the establishment and organisation of the charitable organisation “Kyiv city sickness fund”. The counterparts agreed that the “Association of workers’ sickness funds of Ukraine” will support this process and provide any necessary advice.

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(Українська) Коментар до статті Р. Ахметшина «Больничные кассы: преступление или наказание», опублікованої в газеті «Новости медицины и фармации».

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(Українська) Коментар до статті у газеті «Дзеркало тижня» «Великие комбинаторы, или Кто кассир в больничной кассе» (автори: Алексей СОВА, Ольга СКРИПНИК).

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